Amazing divine street encounter which led to salvation

ONLY God can do something like that! When David was out on the streets with a team just before they finished the work for the day he stopped a man and asked if he could pray for him. The man said, nobody can help me, I have polio and as a result my left leg is shorter than the other. David said, it won’t take long and he couldn’t lose anything. They walked to a bench and sat down. David prayed for him and then explained the gospel. Then that man started to cry with tears streaming down his cheeks. He said this morning when I got up I said, I want to meet somebody who can help me, but then he immediately thought, it’s impossible nobody can help me as my disease is incurable. He saw clearly the hand of God in it and gave his life to Jesus right there on the bench. God is just AMAZING! Only He can organise something like that! Praise Him. Please join in prayer together for this man to go forward with God now.


Tanzania update

We met up with the General Secretary Dr. Eliah Edward Mauza of TCDU (Tanzanian Christian Denominations Unit) and have been awarded a post to be one of the National Cabinet members, which is very positive for us. In some future events we will partner with TCDU.
In the future we intend to run five-day gospel crusades followed by a five-day ‘Christian Foundational Course’ for those who got saved, to root them in the Word and after that, a three-day ‘Evangelist School’ to equip for evangelism. Please pray for David as he has to produce the teaching material for these two courses which will be translated and audio recorded in several African languages.


Teaching series: ‘Answering BUT questions regarding Healing the sick’

So far the following in orange is published on our website:
0) Introduction to the series: ‘Answering BUT questions regarding healing the sick’
1) But it’s not always the will of God that everybody gets healed!
2) But even Jesus couldn’t get everyone healed because of their unbelief!

3) But does God not use sickness to teach us?
4) But Paul didn’t get healed either from his thorn in the flesh!
5) But Paul left people sick!
6) But isn’t God sovereign and in control of everything and chooses when to heal?
7) But Jesus picked only one chosen man at the Pool and left all others unhealed!
8) But does ‘by whose stripes you were healed’ not only refer to spiritual healing?
9) But do we not need to fast first before we pray for healing?
10) But do I not need a clear call from God to heal the sick and preach?
11) But do I not need first a ‘Rhema’ word from God before I can pray for the sick?
12) But wasn’t it just for the apostles to heal?
13) But how does faith work when it comes to healing?
14) But does the sick not need faith for himself when he is prayed for?
15) But I don’t know how to heal the sick!
16) But do we really have the authority and the power over sickness and demons?
17) But how do I exercise authority over evil spirits and sickness?
18) But what do I do when it seems God says “No” to my healing?
19) But what is the right perspective of biblical healing?
20) But what has being an ambassador for Christ got to do with healing?

God healed an atheist on the streets

David met an atheist on the streets in Peterborough who clearly said that he doesn’t believe in God at all. He had bad knees and couldn’t walk properly and his little finger was numb without any feeling. He didn’t really want prayer as he didn’t believe at all that anything would happen. After a while he accepted it and David held his finger and prayed for him and his feeling came back and he started to move his finger to his surprise. Then David’s friend asked him if he wanted his knees done too? The atheist replied ‘what do you mean?’ He explained we pray for your knees too. This time he said ‘yes’ straight away J and God touched his knees and he could walk nicely afterwards. They gave him a tract and said ‘remember the power of God you have just experienced when you read the tract’. Please pray for that man that God will work on his heart.
If you want to see the video clip of the atheist being healed please press on this picture:


HUGE thank you for your prayer support! 

