We had an amazing time in Switzerland at the ICF Zug church in Cham. On Friday night David spoke at the youth outreach and at the end of the meeting around ten young people came to the front and knelt down to commit their lives to Jesus. Two of them gave their lives to the Lord for the first time, and eight re-committed their lives to Him. We prayed for them and some also got delivered from a few different things.
God was there and we all could feel HIS presence. It was fantastic to work together with such devoted youth leaders including David’s brother.
The Sunday morning service went extra ordinary well and God literally ministered into individual’s lives. It was the first time in twenty years where David had to preach the same message, in the morning & in the evening as well, in the same church, which was a bit strange for him 🙂 . (Some go in the morning and some in the evening as the building wouldn’t hold all at once.)
Breakthrough in Africa
We are delighted to say that Gospel Alive Ministries are now officially registered in Tanzania and part of the ‘Global Revival Network’ and are free to work and conduct crusades all over in Africa.
That also means we can take our PA-System for free over all the borders in Africa which will save us thousands of pounds. Praise God!!! (One of the huge hurdles we faced just prior to the last crusade in Uganda – we were forced to hire a sound system from Uganda at the ‘last minute’ instead, which set us back a lot.)
Collar bone instantly healed
My name is Muzee Christian Aweri and I’m 80 years old.
On January 8th 2019 I travelled to my village with some other people to attend a funeral service of one of my relatives. The vehicle lost control and overturned.
As a result of that accident my collar bone fractured and I was in terrible pain for a long time even when wearing my bandage.
When I attended the crusade where I was prayed for, God instantly healed me and I took my bandage off as I had not need anymore to wear it.
Glory be to God!
Family Ohin Update
We are coming to the end of our fifth (or 6th) year of home-school!
The boys are enjoying reading; it’s a job to get hold of the books quick enough! We’ve all enjoyed learning about the invasions since the Romans. Ancient History always proves to ignite great spiritual lessons.
Caleb loves maths and finished his Grade 4 before Easter. Typing is on a roll at the moment, especially for Caleb hitting 90 wpm – He has beaten his Dad now! Jadon has built a lovely bird house / feeder. (We’ve been so glad to see Blue Tits more regularly, and even a new bird a few times. We think it’s a Greenfinch.) He enjoys using his tools, even his drill for more than just screws or holes! Just attach whisk & whisk up Mum’s pancake mix with no effort!
We continue to go to Home ED groups: Tennis, and Sports & Swim, both twice a month.
Caleb loves football- whenever possible, & Jadon would still love to fly!
The boys have also just reached four years of Boys Brigade.
A HUGE Thank you for your prayer support!