GAM Update



We give God the glory that we could celebrate our 5th year of GAM, Gospel Alive Ministries.

Jean is our secretary and lives in Chesterfield (UK).


Gilda lives in Zürich (Switzerland) and helps us out with translating Newsletters and other materials from English into German. She also assists us in teaching during crusades.




Karen is from the Philippines and works as our Media Assistant. Karen is active in church ministry, where she takes a home group, works in evangelism and discipleship, especially among the youth

Jericho is also from the Philippines and is our Video Editor.

is the African director and lives in Tanzania. He is in charge of the GAM work in Africa.

                                                       Maximillan is the right hand  man of our African director.



And you know who David & Donna are. We have a fantastic team and are so thankful to the Lord for providing each one of them.




David and Donna


In Tanzania as well as in many other African countries, the result of the global situation has hit hard. We have been trying to bring relief to the poorest of the poor who lost their homes by heavy rains and have no food. It’s a huge challenge to reach them with our lorry as the mud makes it nearly impossible to bring the supplies. Please pray that we will succeed and also that the Lord will place on people’s heart to support this project.



The global situation has likewise driven many people into severe desperation in India with very limited food supply. We were able to feed lots of people for two weeks. The evangelist who distributed the food also runs an orphanage. A few months ago he took the gospel to one of the remote villages where they had beaten him so badly that he ended up in hospital. He has fully recovered and presses on very diligently with the work.


Touched by the Holy Spirit

Testimony by:  Sumalatha

I thank and praise God for sending such a great man of God David Ohin to India. I personally feel that God has sent him for me only. The first day David Ohin preached about faith. After his message he led us in prayer. As I was praying with faith asking the Lord to do a miracle in my life. The Holy Spirit came into my mouth like a fire. I spoke in tongues. I felt good. The last days he preached about the praise and worship (not in the gospel crusade meeting). As I was praising God, the fire came into me and I was filled with the Holy Spirit and experienced God’s presence. I was convicted by the Spirit in many areas of my life. Thank you once again. All glory belongs to Jesus alone!

If you are on the following platforms we invite you to subscribe or join us:

Facebook: GospelAliveDavidOhin

Instagram: gospelaliveministries

Twitter: GospelAliveMin

Pinterest: Gospel Alive Ministries

YouTube:  Gospel Alive Ministries


Huge thank you for your prayer-support!


