Swiss Night
We had an excellent evening in London with unsaved in and all ages represented. It was a wonderful atmosphere and when David gave his talk everyone paid undivided attention and the Spirit of God touched hearts. At the end of the evening a man came to David with tears rolling down and David ministered to him. Pastor John is doing the following up work. Please pray for that man to come right through to salvation.
Trip To Norway
We had a great time in Oslo where we evangelised and prayed for people on the Streets and in shopping centres as a team.
David found the people more open to talk to than in England. One of the biggest idols in Oslo we found is fitness and wellbeing which would stifle the desire for God. We also were fully involved in ministering and counselling individuals. The pastor who is a godly man gave us a warm welcome and we ministered in his church.
Part 2-Deafness Healed!
The story continues. Another trip the hospital! This time I had an appointment with a doctor who is a specialist (in hearing). And before our ‘consultation’, I had to take another hearing test which showed even a better result than before – Praise the Lord! The doctor asked me: “what has happened?” So I told him the story and about the ‘ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD’. Also that when Jesus walked the earth, He was healing people, the deaf heard and the blind saw. “God is the same yesterday today and forever”. “He’s done it in my life today”.
Two weeks later I received a phone call from that specialist doctor himself asking me ‘to give him an appointment!’ “Could you come and tell me more about that God who healed you?” He also said: “if that God is who you say HE is; then EVERYONE in the country should know about HIM”. When I met him, he wanted to know more about my deafness and the family’s ‘deaf history’. At every opportunity I kept bringing “the glory of God” into the conversation, because; medical people cannot: and will not be able to argue with – ‘A MIRACLE’!
Boys pray and ME instantly left
Fifteen years ago after a serious flu like illness I was diagnosed suffering Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or M.E. As it is more commonly known. My doctor called it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I spent a year, either in bed or on the settee with profound exhaustion, mental fuzziness, insomnia, muscle pain etc. Nothing could be done.
I recovered physically but lost all my desire to live for seven years until God sent His Word and healed me. Christians in several churches had prayed, some even every day for all that time. I had lost my faith, but even so God remained faithful.
So, since 2009 I have been wonderfully healthy, now 65, full of life and faith, until, in early November I had again a bad flu like illness and although I took good care of myself I wasn’t recovering and 6 weeks later began to have the same symptoms as 15 years ago. The M.E. Had come back, and the brain was fuzzier than ever and walking which I so love had to stop.
When I wrote to David & Donna that I was so unwell again, they wrote back (talking also wore me down, so phone calls were no no, & I do normally talk a lot). Anyhow they offered to pray on the phone. Our Bible reading that day was Psalm 8 and verse 2 really touched my heart… from the lips of children and so on, and I sensed a conviction that I must ask young Caleb and Jadon to pray for me, too, if it was ok with David & Donna.
The phone call came one evening and Caleb prayed first: “Be healed in the name of Jesus, Amen.” All I could say was: “Thank you darling, it will be done as you have prayed.” Then Jadon prayed also prayed most convincingly: “Be healed in the name of Jesus, Amen.” I was amazed and sensed the love of Jesus around me and I replied to Jadon in the same way as to Caleb.
The next day, a very strenuous day with visitors, I did everything & talked incessantly without any rest, and been walking 25 minutes to town. All the symptoms gone!
This really is a true healing. I am as good as new, instant healing too.