Tanzania Crusade

We praise God that 38 people got on their knees and accepted Jesus. 20 of them got saved in Mairowa where we have run a 3-day crusade. Mairowa is a remote place. On the way there we saw zebras, antilopes and ostriches – thankfully no lions, which are also there. Lots of people from the Maasai tribe attended the crusade too; some of them walked 15 kilometres to us and the same back again. After we made the appeal and people committed their lives to Jesus we led them all to a place where they had an individual conversation each with a pastor just to make sure they understood exactly what they were doing and what it means for them.
Then everyone filled in a decision card so that the local pastor can follow them up. It is extremely important to us to make disciples for life and not just converts and numbers. On Sunday we baptised lots and prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit which was a great joy. When we prayed generally for healing many got healed within minutes. On one occasion an amazing event was when a witch publicly testified that he gave his life to Christ and banned all his witchcraft products. The whole crowd was extremely encouraged by that and cheered. In the mornings we gave seminars, afternoons was the crusade outside and in the evenings we had special meetings (some of them youth meetings).

The Christian leaders have officially recognized and accepted Gospel Alive Ministries to join with them in the work of the Lord, to fight for the good of Tanzania with the backing of the government. David was given a stick. “In Swahili they call this stick RUNGU. It signifies ‘authority’ or ‘leadership’ which is used for tribal chiefs etc.

When we visited (arranged visit) the poor in Arusha it was absolutely amazing! 18 people gave their lives to Jesus. They are now discipled and we have already heard that they are doing well. Please pray for all these newborns.

We are now extremely busy in the next few months to establish a GAM base in Tanzania. More about that in the next newsletter.

Press the following: ‘Tanzania Crusade January 2017’ to view our video report of the crusade to see some scenes for yourself.

Teaching on ‘Healing Series’

Many people asked me when I will go ahead with the youtube clips of the 20 questions and answers on the subject of healing. First of all I apologize as I kept promising it since summer 2016 and just didn’t find the time. I will do it in English and German and continually add it (hopefully weekly or fortnightly) on our website under ‘Video Talks’ http://gospelaliveministries.com/youtube/

We have just published the following so far:
(Please press the following link)
Introduction talk on: ‘Answering BUT questions regarding Healing the sick’


Push notifications on our App

We are delighted to announce that our ‘Push Notifications’ now work on our app. We will be able to send out short messages/notifications to everyone who has downloaded the app. For example when we are in the middle of a crusade we can give daily updates or if we have a specific prayer request etc we can inform you very easily.

Please download the app here for Android Download and here for iPhone Apple Download


Legs immediately healed!

I have been suffering from leg pain in both legs for over fourteen years but after Evangelist David Ohin prayed I was immediately healed and am now able to stretch my legs without pain. I’m from Sinonik F.P.C.T being spiritually mentored by Pastor Joseph Kazimoto. The Pastor approves of the many years of prayers I have received prior I got healed by the prayer of David Ohin.


HUGE thank you for your prayer support! 

