Upcoming events

July 28th LINCOLNSHIRE - Holbeach Baptist Church

August 25th SWITZERLAND – ICF Zug

September 1st SWITZERLAND - Freie Christengemeinde Buttikon FCGB

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And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ ...
Matthew 10:7

Note for July

Travelling to Tanzania
David will travel to Tanzania July 1st - 10th to oversee all the different projects etc. It will mainly be a managerial oversight trip with some speaking engagements but not a crusade. Please pray for much wisdom for David as well as protection. Please also remember Donna & the boys in prayer while he is away.

Registration in Uganda
Praise God! We have fantastic news! We have now officially registered our nine Gospel Alive Churches in Uganda. Thank you for praying!

Tract: - ‘What is to come’

Click this image to view the whole tract.

We tried to find a tract which is relevant for the time we are living in but somehow weren’t successful. David’s mentor then suggested to David to write his own tract which he did. If you are in the UK or an English-speaking country and you would like some then please get in touch.

Become a Practical Part of the Work
The doors are now wide open to sweep many hundreds of people into the Kingdom of God. We have many requests and bookings all over Tanzania. The government of Tanzania appreciates what we are doing as a ministry and gives us the full backing which is a huge blessing. We also have the willing and reliable staff who are so dedicated to the point of risking their lives. The only thing stopping us from reaching hundreds for Christ is the finances. If the Lord prompts you to give towards this, we would be very grateful.

We have been asked to detail aspects of the work and make it simple and easy to contribute towards the spreading of the gospel. This can be used for prayers also.

Online Gospel Crusade
GBP 1,240.- / CHF 1,500.- / TZS 3,500,000.-
(Reaching hundreds of people in different areas in Tanzania)
Recipient reference: ‘Crusade’

Giving a maize selling business to one widow in Tanzania, which will set her up for the rest of her life
GBP 90.- / CHF 100.- / TZS 255,000.-
(This will replace her prostitution income.)
Recipient reference: ‘Widow business’

100kg of maize to feed 5 widows
GBP 62.- / CHF 70.- / TZS 200,000.-
Recipient reference: ‘100kg maize’

Rice for 1 widow
GBP 18.- / CHF 20.- / TZS 50,000.-
(Rice is a luxury product)
Recipient reference: ‘widow rice’

General contribution to the overall ministry of GAM
Your chosen amount
(Allocated to the most pressing need at the time)
Recipient reference: ‘General’


English ‘Get Free & Stay Free’
Available at your local Amazon (Paperback or Kindle)
or Advantage Books (Paperback or e-book)









German ‘Werde Frei & Bleibe Frei’
Available here:
Amazon (Taschenbuch oder Kindle)






Spanish ‘Libérate y Permanece Libre’

Available here:
Amazon (Paperback or Kindle)






Swahili Book ‘Wekwa Huru na Ukae Huru’
Available for FREE - downloadable here: